
Track the live location of all tour groups on an official shore excursion program.

Geolocation – The app on the guides’ phones sends a ping every 10 meters when walking and every 1km in a moving vehicle, with live locations displayed on a map of the area.

Group information – By selecting a tour on the map it brings up the key information, including tour itinerary, number of guests, guide name and bus number and registration.

Tour optimization – All location data is recorded, including duration at each POI, providing key insights into tour efficiency and an opportunity to further optimize the guest experience.

Secure communications

Incident response via a single & secure communication channel (WhatsApp style) between guides and the Intercruises team.

Information sharing – Intercruises teams can communicate with one or all guides, and similarly guides can send comments to other guides or just the Intercruises team.

Instant updates – Intercruises is Informed as an incident occurs, enabling a more timely response, including the ability to directly instruct the guide on how to manage an incident.

Enhance experience – Tours can be easily diverted away from traffic jams, road accidents and overcrowded venues, facilitating a smoother guest experience. Furthermore, ship crew have a continuously updated tour return ETA.

More key features

Maps, local information, key phone numbers and notifications.

Destination map – Preloaded on both the web and phone app, with key “safe area” locations highlighted (e.g. police stations, hospitals, etc.)

Emergency call button – Accesses two local phone numbers preloaded on the phone app – emergency services and the Intercruises pier supervisor.

Headcount prompt – The phoneapp prompts guides to and confirm the headcount before departing each POI.

Web app notifications – Low Phone Battery, Signal Loss, Missing POIs, itinerary deviation, headcount change.

Limited work requirement – SafeAshore runs in the background, with only minor guide input required unless an incident occurs.